Everything You Always Hated In X-Men

7. Wolverine's Silly Motorcycle Ride

X Men Cyclops Yellow Spandex

Here's a scene that almost nobody talks about despite the fact that it's just incredibly goofy.

Mid-way through the film, Logan steals Cyclops' motorcycle in order to chase down Rogue, who has decided to leave the school. While driving the bike around, Logan notices a strange button on it, which he of course presses.

This initiates the bike's boost function, sending the bike careening forward at an insane speed all while Logan barely holds on - and clearly loves it.

And yet, the weird digital treatment of the shots, rendering Hugh Jackman's face as a shaky blur, and the clunky movement of the bike itself, make the scene feel so, so much a product of early 2000s VFX-heavy filmmaking.

It's a minor scene in the grand scheme of things, but an offputting one all the same.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.