2. A Very Busy Tree
Ah, the busy tree. Probably one of the most iconic and vilified moments in the Evil Dead series. You might recall that he movie was original banned in several countries worldwide and hindered from an uncensored release at every turn for many years thanks to its horrific depiction of the rape of one of the female characters. By a tree. I mean, does it really get much more horrific than that? Itd have been so easy to play it safe for the remake. Maybe have the character knocked about by the horny, malevolent tree; squished to death by it maybe. But no, Raimi once again has the stone to stand up and say this is going
in the movie. Youve really got to respect that in a film maker, its an uncommon level of integrity that all to few film makers seem to display these days. And if anything, it appears to be
worse, more graphic, more horrific in the remake. Ladies, if theres ever a cross your legs moment in modern horror, this promises to be it.