Ewan McGregor: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Angels & Demons €“ Camerlengo Patrick McKenna

angels and demons

Ron Howard€™s adaptation of the Dan Brown novel The Da Vinci Code was incredibly successful at the box office and despite a critical mauling, a second adaptation was inevitable. Starring Tom Hanks as the protagonist Robert Langdon, Angels and Demons see another intricate plot involving conspiracies surround the Catholic Church, or more specifically around the time or electing a new pope. The film, while arguably better than the convoluted The Da Vinci Code, is still a very average throwaway thriller that doesn€™t really generate any real suspense and plods along until its admittedly, decent conclusion. However there were changes from novel to film, something normally expected with an adaptation, but in particular one change that involves McGregor€™s character is slightly baffling. In the novel, McGregor€™s role is that of a Spanish priest named Carlo Ventresca, but for reasons that are bewildering the role was switched to a Northern Irish priest named Patrick McKenns and thus McGregor must provide the suitable accent for the role. It really can be seen as a very bizarre switch considering that McGregor€™s performance doesn€™t really give any suggestion to the audience that the change was necessary. It€™s a very bland, laboured and apathetic performance that doesn€™t instill any of the character traits from the novel and an actor such as Javier Bardam would have been able to bring the impassioned pain and eeriness that Camerlengo exudes. In the end, the film and the performance by McGregor are forgettable, which is a shame as I feel another approach to the film may have allowed the film to feel more authentic and a better film as a result.

Currently in my 3rd year studying for a BA in English Literature & Film at Edinburgh Napier University. Twitter - @niallmcloughlin