Ewan McGregor: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Cassandra€™s Dream €“ Ian Blane

Cassandra's Dream In one of my previous articles I named Cassandra€™s Dream as one of the worst Woody Allen movies he has ever made. The plot for this insignificant film is far too similar to Crimes & Misdemeanours and the script see Woody on auto pilot. However, for all the flaws the film does have, it is not helped by the performances that the cast give, most notably the brothers in the film Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell. The film being set in London, has for some reason meant that each actor must have a cockney accent in order to distinguish this to the audience. The problem is that the cockney accents that are produced are incredibly poor and provide nothing but slight sniggering and embarrassment on part of the actors. McGregor€™s performance in particular is sub-standard and again like the script McGregor just seems to be on auto pilot rather than attempting to salvage the problems of the film with energy and charisma. Throughout the film you just get the sense the circumstances of the script and its setting just do not suit McGregor and the lack of chemistry with Colin Farrell doesn€™t help the performances of either. The less said the better.

Currently in my 3rd year studying for a BA in English Literature & Film at Edinburgh Napier University. Twitter - @niallmcloughlin