Extraction Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

6. The Fight Scenes Are Fantastic

Extraction film Chris Hemsworth

It's what we all came for (well, you know, except for those of us who came for Chris Hemsworth). It's the foundation of any action movie worth its salt. Yes, it is, of course, the action.

In a way, Extraction does exactly what it says on the tin: It's a hard-hitting fast-paced thriller that rarely slows down and delivers on its promise of entertaining action. However, it goes above and beyond most in its genre to perhaps even set a new standard.

The action sequences throughout are great, with impressive choreography and a convincing physical performance from Hemsworth (who thrives in this kind of environment) but there is one rather early into the film - a fight between Rake and Saju - that stands out from the rest because of how intricately performed it was by all involved in it.

A stunning hand-to-hand battle shot entirely in one take, it makes for a bloody thrilling watch.

And speaking of which...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.