Extraction Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

4. The Core Relationship Gives It Some Heart

Extraction film Chris Hemsworth

Extraction may have more than a few shortcomings in terms of story. It may be a little too grim for its own good. But the one thing that makes it worth watching - from an emotional standpoint at least - is the friendship that develops between Rake and the boy he's assigned to extract.

Not only does this give the hardened protagonist a shot at redemption he never knew he needed, it gives young actor Rudhraksh Jaiswal juicier material to work with than previous films of this genre would give their 'target' characters - and he thrives in the environment, pulling off a very impressive performance.

Together, the characters and their subtle bond carries the film; it's a diamond in the rough, if you will, and it ultimately adds meaning to the story, making it impossible not to root for either one of them.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.