Fantastic Beasts: 28 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

26. The Bronx Ginger Witch

Fantastic Beasts Easter Eggs Header
Bronx Botanica

As the opening sequence gives way to the fast-paced newspaper clippings bombardment, if you pay attention, you'll see mentions of some recognisable names and creatures, including Wood Nymphs.

More interestingly, one of the headlines proclaims "The Bronx Ginger Witch", which is an oddly random thing to appear among stories dedicated to Grindelwald. But, it could well be a nod to New York's most famous real life witch.

Lady Rhea is the flame-haired patron of The Bronc Botanica, is an important figure in white witchcraft in The Bronx, having run the store described as the "Home Depot of Spirituality" for decades. That can surely not be an accident...?


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