Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald Review - 5 Ups & 7 Downs

2. The Nifflers Are Adorable (Again)

Fantastic Beasts The Crimes Of Grindelwald Newt Niffler
Warner Bros.

The jewellery-loving Niffler was an easy highlight of the first Fantastic Beasts, and the same is very much true here.

While the allure isn't quite so fresh this time around, the adorable platypus-hedgehog hybrid - and a couple of his younger pals - prove irresistibly cute every time they're on-screen.

To Yates' mild credit, he doesn't overdo it with the cute-bait, and the Nifflers' appearances are kept surprisingly sporadic and infrequent.

After all, the creatures don't have too much of an impact on the plot, but given their appeal to fans - and their obvious stature as an easy merchandising tie-in - it would've been a disgrace not to include them.

Now, if they could just contrive a way to give us a giant Niffler tearing up a famous city in the next movie Godzilla-style, that'd be grand.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.