Fantastic Four: 17 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Need To See

3. Central City

At the end of the film, the Fantastic Four get their own Avengers-esque facility (in fact, the whole final scene is very Age Of Ultron). A converted military base, it's known as Central City, which is one final throwback to the original comics. In the Marvel Universe, Central City is the Californian hometown of Reed Richards and where he based the mission that would ultimately give the Four their superpowers. While that may seem like a pretty odd shout out, it does serve as a statement of intent on behalf of the filmmakers - Reed is only now at Central City, so this is a new start for him.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.