Fantastic Four Reboot Movie: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

4. Jamie Bell As The Thing

It transpires that Jamie Bell is still Billy Elliot to a lot of people, and unquestionably a 5'7" British guy best known onscreen as a ballet dancer is the oddest casting choice for the gruff and huge New Yorker Ben Grimm this side of Jesse Eisenberg for Lex Luthor. Nonetheless, there are a couple of reasons it could work, and one has been covered: Bell is a solid actor. The other is that Bell has experience with motion capture as of 2011's The Adventures of Tintin, and motion capture could be the method Trank chooses to get the Thing on the big screen. Chiklis was excellent beneath the latex and foam of the original films, but Bell clearly doesn't have the physicality for that approach. It would also be great to see a version of the Thing who's significantly bigger than a normal man, as in the comics. Motion capture can allow for that and if Bell has been cast for that reason, it all makes a lot more sense. And hey, surely he can fake an accent?

Grace Murray hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.