Fast & Furious 8: 15 Things We Already Know For Certain

12. Mia Isn't In It

Fast 8 Charlize Theron Vin Diesel

Ever since Paul Walker's Brian O'Connor character was tastefully retired from the franchise in Furious 7, there's been a lot of chatter about what will become of Jordana Brewster's Mia Toretto.

While she could act as a convenient bridge to Brian's life, perhaps taking a phone call from Dom in a cameo, Brewster confirmed following the end of shooting that she hasn't filmed a role...yet.

It's entirely possible she could still be pulled in for a quick scene, but it seems more likely that the book is being closed on the O'Connor chapter, and Universal will smartly decide to move on without them.

It sucks for Brewster, who no doubt enjoyed that lucrative Fast and Furious money, but on a storytelling level it makes sense rather than continually shoehorning cameos in just for the sake of it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.