Fast & Furious 8: 15 Things We Already Know For Certain

10. The Gang Breaks Hobbs Out Of Jail

Fast 8 Charlize Theron Vin Diesel

Extensive behind-the-scenes footage from the movie's Iceland shoot makes it clear that Hobbs won't be spending much of the movie in prison, as he ends up staging a riot and subsequent prison break.

One video shows The Rock preparing to fight literally dozens of inmates, and others show Dom and his crew heading to the prison to acquire Hobbs, while appearing to fend off Cipher's army and possible the Icelandic authorities as well.

There were also reports of giant iceberg props on set (one of which sadly killed a horse during accident), so you can expect to see cars launching off icebergs amid all other craziness.

What's more, Hobbs has his own "Ice Ram" jeep, and Dom's Dodge Charger has been modified to become the "Ice Charger" in order to withstand the harsh weather conditions.

Some fans are speculating that the sequence may involve Hobbs breaking Deckard Shaw out of prison to help bring Cipher down. Wait and see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.