Fast & Furious 8: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

6. Letty

Fast And Furious Letty
Universal Pictures

Letty has been through a lot in this series, and now we can add the confusing betrayal of her husband (and his weird willingness to kiss his captive in front of her) to being killed, forgetting who she is and almost killing her boyfriend.

She's easily one of the more interesting parts of Dom's crew, as Dom going rogue mirrors her own heel turn under Owen Shaw, but she should have been pushed more to the fore-front and given an opportunity to face off directly with Cipher herself for that kiss. Perhaps it'll come in the sequel set at least partly in Greece?

The one thing you have to give Michelle Rodriguez credit for is that she does befuddled anger better than anyone working today, and even when Vin Diesel is at his most wooden, she offers enough that you genuinely care for their relationship.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.