Fast & Furious 8: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

12. Owen Shaw

Owen Shaw

After somehow surviving the climax of Fast & Furious 6 - despite the insistence of all medical science - Owen Shaw is back and he's out of his coma, despite brother Deckard almost pulling down the hospital that was keeping him alive.

Shaw's role in Fate... is brief, but it's a nice little cameo all the same, and there's enough there to suggest that a spin-off starring Luke Evans and Jason Statham - with the added "comedy" of Owen not quite remembering who he is any more and Deckard getting all furious about it - would be ludicrously good fun.

Weirdly, it turns out Deckard doesn't actually like him very much, which paints him as the sort of bumbling brother in their dynamic duo, which is not only bad writing but contemptuous writing for no reason. Why would he care so much about revenge when he didn't even like his brother who isn't dead anyway?


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