Fast & Furious 9: 20 WTF Moments

9. Han's Death Was Faked By Mr. Nobody...Somehow

Fast and Furious 9 Ludacris Tyrese

Han is confirmed to be alive roughly half-way through the movie, showing up to save Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) and Mia (Jordana Brewster) in Tokyo.

Once he's reunited with the rest of the family, he explains that Gisele (Gal Gadot) was a secret asset for Mr. Nobody, who after her death invited Han to essentially take her place.

Shortly before the events of Tokyo Drift, Han is sent on a mission to locate and protect the "key" to the technological MacGuffin, Project Ares, which Jakob is ultimately seeking throughout this film.

The key turns out to be a young girl, Elle (Anna Sawai), whose DNA serves as a failsafe.

Han saves her from a fleet of armed men and then becomes her guardian figure. As a result, knowing that Deckard Shaw was going to imminently strike Han, Mr. Nobody then arranged to fake Han's death.

It's never specifically explained how Mr. Nobody did it, but it's said to be a "magic trick," the implication being that the Han we saw in the soon-to-explode car was actually a hologram or some similar illusion.

It's insanely convoluted, and yet, still not idiotic enough to make Han's resurrection feel like a misstep. If you can't laugh at this level of lunacy, why are you even watching a Fast movie?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.