Fast & Furious: Ranking The Series From Worst To Best

5. The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift

The third movie in the series, Tokyo Drift, is easily the most divisive of the lot, in large part because it features neither Vin Diesel nor Paul Walker, setting up a new protagonist in American high schooler Sean Boswell (Lucas Black), who is shipped off to Japan and gets involved in Tokyo's drifting scene. Some love it, some hate it, but it did introduce director Justin Lin to the franchise, ensuring it was a much better-shot effort than the previous two movies even if it pretty much felt like a glorified spin-off. Still, Black made for a likeable protagonist and the drifting gimmick was a nice change from the usual formula. Though it seems like the least important entry in the series, in many ways it's the most pivotal up until Furious 7, given that it features the demise of Han, around which all the later films revolve. Best Scene: At the end of the movie, Twinkie (Bow Wow) tells Sean that there's a guy who wants to race him, and he knew Han. Of course, it turns out to be Dom, ending the movie with a welcome surprise, and bringing Diesel back into the fold for good. Worst Scene: It has to be between that girl in the opening race scene who pimps herself out to whoever can win the race, Bow Wow's Incredible Hulk car, and any scene involving Sean's dad. They all suck pretty much equally.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.