The Movie: After the runaway success of the first Iron Man, a sequel starring Robert Downey, Jr again in the title role was a no-brainer for Marvel. Iron Man 2 may not have received as much love from the critics as some other Marvel movies i.e. all of them, but it was notable for increasing the presence of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the MCU, introducing Scarlett Johansson in that costume and pairing Mickey Rourke with a parrot. Yep. A parrot. Deal with it. What It Says About You: You've always loved Robert Downey Jr, even during his 'heroin phase', so you can forgive him for just about anything. You've never read a comic book in your life and you like your action movies big and loud. You rock out to AC/DC in the car and pretend that you're driving a sports car like Tony Stark. You thought Terrence Howard was ok in the first movie, but Don Cheadle KICKS ASS as War Machine in the sequel. When Scarlett Johansson was on screen, your world became a better place for one brief shining moment and you're still holding out for that solo Black Widow movie... "ONE DAY!", you often scream to no one in particular. Soundbite: "Did you know that Mickey Rourke is the one who suggested that his character should have gold teeth, tattoos and a parrot? That's right. A parrot... HE WAS ROBBED YET AGAIN! SOMEONE GIVE HIM A DAMN OSCAR ALREADY!" Favorite Movies: Top Gun (1986), The Expendables (2010)
David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites,