Fifty Shades of Grey: 10 Actors Who Should Play Christian Grey

4. Robert Pattinson

Why? Fifty Shades of Grey was written as a Twilight fan fiction originally, so it would make sense to return to source for the actor to play Christian - he has already been cast once because he fit the bill of essentially the same character, so why not again? Pattinson certainly has that alouf darkness that Fifty Shades fans will hope to see, as well as the vulnerable and wounded under-current that underpins the character as his backstory is revealed. Would he be willing to do a Daniel Radcliffe and go full-frontal in the quest to cast off the spectre of his most famous character? The one reservation, other than the required nudity, is that Pattinson is already clearly keen to reinvent himself as a serious actor, with braver choices including Cronenberg's uneven Cosmopolis, and the offer to play a character whose lineage runs so closely to Twilight. But then Pattinson would be a marketer's dream of a choice, considering his legion of fans, and those who would even more consciously link Fifty Shades and Twilight to allow the former to trade on the success of the vampire romances, as well as its own hype. That would at least guarantee Pattinson a massive contract.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.