Fifty Shades Of Grey: 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Love Mr Grey

10. He's Basically Just Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen Disgusted Gif Gif Christian Grey and Edward Cullen are the worst kind of people yet everyone seems all too willing to give them the title as Boyfriend Of The Year. They are sadistic, dull, controlling and extremely self centred; they both have wealth in common as well as the fact that they cannot seem to grasp how to have a normal, functioning, healthy relationship. It's no accident either - Grey was once Cullen in James' early Twilight fan fiction writing that Fifty Shades was based on. It's difficult to pinpoint which one is worse than the other; Cullen is dead which is atrocious in itself as he has sex with Bella (you can get arrested for that sort of thing) and makes her want to kill herself in order to be with him, whereas Grey is alive but completely void of all emotion making him dead inside, and making everyone else want to kill themselves. Either way, the similarities mean you should judge yourself for liking the repackage glittery vamp.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.