Fifty Shades of Grey Film: 10 Reasons It Will Be Huge

1. It's A Genuine Phenomenon

Quite frankly, it would be harder to make Fifty Shades of Grey a commercial flop than failure. For it to be the raging success it has been, it has to have something that connects with people. It may not be something holy, or something all of us like, but E.L. James has sparked a connection with the mass public and Fifty Shades has become the biggest literary phenomenon since Harry Potter as a result. The film could be as bad as Sex and the City 2, but it'd be irrelevant as the film will probably end up grossing hundreds of millions of dollars, and everybody from the studio to James will go home happy with a slightly larger bank balance. Fifty Shades has become a genuine obsession in some quarters - especially with young women, it is so incredibly rare for a novel to strike a chord this strong with this many adults. It's remarkable and amazes me to see so many people reading this book, and its popularity has spread entirely by word of mouth, which could bode well for the film as it will no doubt have a high age rating. When the film comes to be released, that wave of phenomena is going to rush over the world again, and as I think the novel's material would work better in the cinematic field, I can't wait.

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