Fifty Shades of Grey Film: 10 Reasons It Will Be Huge

2. Franchise Potential

Studios love a lucrative movie franchise. The public love an engrossing movie franchise. Everybody loves a movie franchise. It gives the studio the chance to maximise profit, and the paying public can lose themselves in a world for a substantial amount of time. Look at Harry Potter, the first film was released in 2001, and the final one in 2011. The same fans stood side by side with their literary hero for 10 years, long after they had matured past the aimed target audience. You get that level of commitment from fans when forming a franchise, specifically if it is based on much loved literary characters. There are three Fifty Shades books, so we're looking at a minimum of three films, though it all depends on the popularity of the first film obviously. There is of course the possibility of more books in the series, and James would be idiotic to not cash-in on her popularity, or at least write some sort of spin-off series. The possibilities for Fifty Shades are endless, and that's what makes it so exciting. There's millions of different ways they could run with this, and that's what makes the anticipation so burning.

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