Fifty Shades of Grey Film: 10 Reasons It Will Be Huge

6. The Americans Love It Too

Without the mass phenomena created in America, a film version of Fifty Shades would have been highly improbable. There just wouldn't be the appeal and budget to make it work on a feasible level if America didn't buy into the hype. It's important to note that Christian and Anastasia are not given specific nationalities, so that can be played with to suit the intended audience. For the film, they will most likely be made American. There's just simply a better chance of having a better box-office return if Fifty Shades is set in an American location such as New York and features prominent American stars. Other recent book adaptations, such as The Hunger Games or Twilight have been incredibly successful in the American market, despite the fact the later stars a British actor. It just makes more sense to make the film appeal more to Americans because that's where the money is, and Fifty Shades is as popular there as it is here.

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