Fifty Shades of Grey Film: 10 Reasons It Will Be Huge

5. E.L. James Has The Final Say

It is virtually unheard of for the writer of the novel which a film is being based upon to get creative control. Not even J.K. Rowling got a say in how the Harry Potter films turned out, but James appears to have gained this untold privilege by breaking the record for having the best-selling book in British history. This surely can only be a good thing. It should mean the film stays close to the feel and themes of the book, and guarantees those that were fans of the book a faithful cinematic telling of the story. Fifty Shades is sensitive material, centred around a subject widely seen as taboo, and the fact that James is going to be heavily involved in production should see that it only turns out the way she wants it to. Adaptations of well-loved novels often fail because they trail too far away from the source material, but the fact that James is so protective over the novel should ensure a faithful, classy story is told, that can match the popularity of the books.

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