Fifty Shades of Grey Film: 10 Reasons It Will Be Huge

3. Christian Grey is a Great Character

Christian Grey is ludicrously wealthy, beautiful to the point of wild jealousy and obsessively controlling. All with complete natural ease. He is every woman's perfect fantasy. He's the reason the books became the success they are. Men envy him. Boyfriends hate him. He's doing more to women world-wide than most men could ever dream of doing. His extravagance, the excessiveness, the absurd way he is written is exactly what makes him so intriguing and enthralling. In much the same way Bret Easton Ellis wrote Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, every natural instinct is telling you to despise this creation, but there is that indefinable something that makes him a brilliant character that is irresistible. He brings out sexual fantasies suppressed by women, the very mention of his name brings a giggle. Christian unleashes the sexual desire in women with his domineering yet seductive personality. Christian, with the right script and perfect actor, would be a greater cinematic character than a literary one, such is his power.

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