Fifty Shades Of Grey Review: 14 Hilariously Awful Moments

12. The Absurdly Tame Sex Scenes

If you're seeing this movie hoping for some graphic sex, prepare to be disappointed, because despite the out-there nature of the novel, there's not really much here you wouldn't see in a softcore porn movie. Johnson shows off her a**, boobs and her bush, while Dornan shows off his sculpted chest and butt, but if you're after more extensive glimpses of their genitalia, the movie is a sure disappointment. Shots frequently tease showing something more revealing but then cut away at the last minute, and a lot of the sex is cloaked in "tasteful" low lighting to allow the actors to maintain their modesty. Prior to the movie's release, it was announced that re-shoots would have to take place, reportedly to spice up the sex scenes, yet given how frequently dull and un-sexy they are here, one can only wonder what sort of disaster they were dealing with initially. The cringe-worthy style is, aptly enough, reminiscent of a crappy softcore porn film...because that's exactly what this is, but with higher production values. While these scenes aren't very sexy, they are pretty corny, and therefore also rather funny...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.