Finding Dory Review: 7 Ups And 3 Downs

1. Marlin Has Not Progressed At All

Finding Nemo Marlin

It's the most annoying thing in the world when a major character forgets the single most important lesson they learned between one film and its sequel. It's basically Ghostbusters 2 syndrome: where something irrevocable happens, characters change and learn and grow and then they come back for the sequel and nobody remembers the giant ghost they overcame and the universe resets.

Marlin is the big issue in Finding Dory. Having learned that being an over-bearing father and a bit of a grumpy prick (a role Albert Brooks still performs masterfully) is terrible in the first film, he's now reset to being exactly that. He's fathering Dory just as much as he is Nemo, and it feels like a betrayal of his journey and of the sympathy he earned through it in the first film.

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