Finding Dory Review: 7 Ups And 3 Downs

3. Piper

Piper Pixar

If Pixar's run of form in their mainline films is pretty damn impressive, the consistency they bring to the shorts that precede them is absolutely stunning. These little preludes to the main event are heavily invested in emotion, despite the time to develop broad ideas, they're visually stunning, despite the lack of time for immersion and they have just as wonderfully painted characters (even when they don't speak).

And Piper - the story of a little sandpiper bird learning to live and fend for itself - is another successful swing for the fence. The story is simple, the animation beautiful and the character itself is hilarious, adorable and dripping with charm.

The film also explores some of the same themes as Finding Nemo and Dory: the fear of growing up, the dangers of the outside world and the ultimate conquering of both. And it's literally about a bird eating molluscs on a beach. It's like bloody sorcery.

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