Finding Dory Review: 7 Ups And 3 Downs

1. Baby Dory

Baby Dory

If you're a future Pixar film-maker (or even an old one), and you have an agenda to create the cutest character ever seen in the studio's catalogue just give up trying now. Baby Dory is the pinnacle in Pixar's adorable achievements, making Baby Nemo look like a bedraggled od hobo by comparison.

Through her eyes we see fear, the devastating reality of loneliness, redemption and sorrow, and it's as shocking to see such a seemingly manipulatively designed character land so many complex blows.

But then that's the story of the entire film: where else would you get such hilarity and such a rich story and broad spectrum of emotions alongside subtle body positivity messages that normalise disabilities (something Finding Nemo was praised for more than a decade ago)? It's a stunning achievement, really.

Special mention must also go to Becky the idiot duck and Gerald the idiot sea lion, both of whom prove that idiots are easy to love.

And now on to the less positive distractions...

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