Finding Dory Trailer Breakdown: 10 New Things We Learned

7. Dory's Parents

It's a split second moment, but this trailer contains our first proper look at Dory's parents - Charlie (Eugene Levy) and Jenny (Diane Keaton). We even get to hear Keaton in her role, saying "We'll never forget you Dory." This is obviously them when Dory was just a fry, so who knows what they look like now. Dory's search for them is clearly being set-up as the main driving force of the plot, although judging by the latter part of this trailer that's going to see her getting waylaid quite a bit. What's the betting that by the time she finds them they've forgotten her completely, making for the film's big tearjerker?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.