Finding Dory Trailer Breakdown: 10 New Things We Learned

5. Playing On Marlin's Past

"I miss 'em, do you know what that feels like?" Dory asks Marlin after realising the hole her parents have left in her, which starts a brief moment where Marlin and Nemo share a look, remembering their life-defining experience from the previous film. It's skirted over in this upbeat trailer, but the dedication Marlin showed for his son in the first movie will likely be leaned on heavily here. He may even have to go searching for Dory off his own back, just like with his son - after these scenes from presumably early in the movie, we don't see the pair together again, meaning Dory winds up on this journey alone (perhaps at first because Marlin holds back to keep Nemo safe).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.