Gemini Man Review: 4 Ups & 6 Downs
3. There's ONE Decent Set-Piece
Though the majority of the film's action sequences aren't up to much, there is a single set-piece mid-way through the movie that's absolutely worth watching (if probably on Netflix or YouTube in four months' time).
The scene in question is a prolonged shootout and motorcycle chase between the two Henrys, with the scene boasting by far the most kinetic editing and creative shot selections of the entire movie.
It's also the one scene where the use of HRF is somewhat effective: a gorgeous shot of older Henry riding his motorcycle down a narrow alleyway has an additional clarity due to the higher frame rate, and it's a breathtaking moment.
It's a totally ridiculous scene, for sure, with the younger Henry basically using motorcycles as weapons to launch at his older self, but it's the closest the film ever gets to being fully in touch with its own silliness - and exciting to watch at the same time.