George Lucas Star Wars Return - What Will Happen

What George Lucas' return to Star Wars could mean for the franchise.

George Lucas Star Wars

There are few, if any, entertainment franchises with fanbases as passionate as Star Wars.

No, not even the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most faithful can quite rival the sheer unrelenting obsessiveness of those who've fallen in love with George Lucas' epic space opera series over the last half-century.

But being a Star Wars fan also requires accepting that the ride is a bumpy one with its share of ups and downs - from the vitriolic backlash to the prequels, to the brief period of respite when the sequels got everything back on track, and then another meltdown as the new trilogy closed things out.

Even with quality TV shows like Andor proving how great modern Star Wars can be, the brand is undeniably damaged following the sequels, and clawing back mainstream interest will be quite the steep climb indeed.

Yet a fascinating new rumour suggests that there's something of a creative shake-up going on behind the scenes, and that Disney are looking to bring creator George Lucas back into the fold in some capacity.

Now, few fandoms love a juicy rumour more than Star Wars', and they're liable to run with this one until Lucas shoots it down himself.

But breaking down the little information we have, is there real credence to the scuttlebutt or is it mere wishful thinking? Let's dig in...

4. It All Started With A Rumour

George Lucas Star Wars
YouTube: Star Wars Theory

This past week Star Wars Theory, one of the biggest Star Wars channels on YouTube, interviewed Roger Christian, who won an Oscar for his production design work on A New Hope, and who dropped one hell of a possible-revelation out of nowhere about the franchise's future.

Christian stated that he'd heard through the grapevine that George Lucas will be making a formal return to Star Wars to work on a new live-action series, as quickly sent shockwaves through the fanbase.

Though Christian didn't elaborate much on what he'd heard - namely whether the series was TV or film - he seemed confident that Lucas is being brought back in to develop a new project.

And while it's absolutely worth taking any such whispers - even top-level ones like this from actual Star Wars crew members - with a truckload of salt, Christian certainly speaks with greater authority than most. 

And so, let's consider why this might in fact be totally on the money.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.