Ghostbusters: 21 WTF Moments In The Female Remake


Sony Pictures

I can just about get on board with the idea that there would somehow be a giant ghost with stilt-legs, by assuming that it's the chosen form of a powerful spirit (since he seems to command other ghosts at will). That's not too much of a leap, even without explanation. But I will absolutely not accept that parade balloons are capable of having souls and coming back after death to haunt cities.

That is literally what happens in Ghostbusters. A parade of balloons float through the city before getting angry when they spot the Ghostbusters and chase them for a bit until they're blasted to smithereens with the proton streams. Seriously, why would balloons have ghosts? And if they're just astral projections, why would ANY ghost decide to be something as fragile and slow-moving as a balloon?

And even more stupidly, can someone please explain to me how an actual ghost, whose fellows have just had to be proton blasted to bits is literally popped using a pen knife? Why bother investing in incredibly expensive, dangerous scientific equipment when a Swiss Army Knife will do? And no, I won't accept that it's because he's a balloon - because he's not, he's a ghost and is subject to the same rules, even if balloon souls are entirely unfathomable.

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