Ghostbusters: 21 WTF Moments In The Female Remake

3. The Ghost With Balls


If I were cynical, I might think that the decision to take down Rowan in his massive ghostly form at the film's climax by shooting him in the "balls" was a tongue-in-cheek strike for feminists everywhere. In reality, it was probably more of a tongue-in-cheek rib on the fact that Paul Feig was basically called a man-hater and his Ghostbusters were accused of rampant anti-masculinist behaviour. In that respect, it was a pretty funny touch.

The problem though, is that the ghost doesn't have any balls. So, in order to accept the fact that he was momentarily incapacitated by a shot to his soft and danglies, you have to accept the fact that Rowan created the ghostly projection with a genital weak spot.

In effect, when given the chance to imagine his own agent of destruction, he gave the thing his own weakness (despite a very obvious lack of external genitals), cementing the fact that he is a massive bloody idiot.

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