10. Get Bill Murray On Board (Somehow)
If youre any sort of Ghostbusters fan and have been following the third films road to principal photography, youll probably already be aware that Bill Murray, arguably the
best original Buster, has publically passed on a third Ghostbusters movie, citing that its an unnecessary endeavour. Think about this: would you accept a Dumb and Dumber 2 without Lloyd Christmas? A Lethal Weapon without Martin Riggs? Well, a Ghostbusters without its Venkman would be just as bad and in my opinion much, much worse. If Bill Murray thinks Ghostbusters III is unnecessary then Im sorry guys, Im of the belief that hes probably right. Without Murray, Ghostbusters has lost its
main character. And for me, thats pretty much a dealbreaker. If the movie is to go ahead, Ramis, Reitman and Ackroyd really need to figure out a way to get Murray interested. Otherwise, whats the point?