Ghostbusters 3: 10 Suggestions to Make It Not Suck

10. Get Bill Murray On Board (Somehow)

If you€™re any sort of Ghostbusters fan and have been following the third film€™s road to principal photography, you€™ll probably already be aware that Bill Murray, arguably the best original €˜Buster, has publically passed on a third Ghostbusters movie, citing that it€™s an €œunnecessary€ endeavour. Think about this: would you accept a Dumb and Dumber 2 without Lloyd Christmas? A Lethal Weapon without Martin Riggs? Well, a Ghostbusters without its Venkman would be just as bad and in my opinion much, much worse. If Bill Murray thinks Ghostbusters III is unnecessary then I€™m sorry guys, I€™m of the belief that he€™s probably right. Without Murray, Ghostbusters has lost its main character. And for me, that€™s pretty much a dealbreaker. If the movie is to go ahead, Ramis, Reitman and Ackroyd really need to figure out a way to get Murray interested. Otherwise, what€™s the point?

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.