4. Dont Rely Too Heavily on The New Generation of Ghostbuster
You might have heard the news that the new Ghostbusters movie is due to establish a new generation of Buster rumoured to be portrayed by the likes of Anna Faris and Bill Hader as understudies of the original team. Now, Im not exactly averse to this idea but what I am averse to is the cynical prediction that Ghostbusters III will be at once a direct sequel to I and II and also a reboot, designed to set up the new generation for a fourth, fifth, sixth movie which wont feature the original cast. I do like the idea that the original Ghostbusters are training protégés. After all, Ackroyd, Murray, Ramis, theyre old now. It makes sense that their characters would be looking to retire. However, lets not forget that it isnt a new generation of Buster that well be paying to see. So sure, include the new generation, it could be fun. But please dont set the central focus on them. Theyd work for me as additional
characters but not as protagonists. Ideally, we want the original Ghostbusters on a final swansong case, which also happens to be their bleakest and most insurmountable yet. Sure, these new kids on the block could play a pivotal role, but if someone other than Venkman, Stantz or Spengler strikes the final blow on GB IIIs ghoulie, wouldnt you, as a returning fan, feel somewhat cheated?