Ghostbusters 3: 10 Suggestions to Make It Not Suck

4. Don€™t Rely Too Heavily on €œThe New Generation€ of Ghostbuster

You might have heard the news that the new Ghostbusters movie is due to establish a new generation of €˜Buster rumoured to be portrayed by the likes of Anna Faris and Bill Hader as understudies of the original team. Now, I€™m not exactly averse to this idea but what I am averse to is the cynical prediction that Ghostbusters III will be at once a direct sequel to I and II and also a reboot, designed to set up the new generation for a fourth, fifth, sixth movie which won€™t feature the original cast. I do like the idea that the original Ghostbusters are training protég這s. After all, Ackroyd, Murray, Ramis, they€™re old now. It makes sense that their characters would be looking to retire. However, let€™s not forget that it isn€™t a new generation of €˜Buster that we€™ll be paying to see. So sure, include the new generation, it could be fun. But please don€™t set the central focus on them. They€™d work for me as additional characters but not as protagonists. Ideally, we want the original Ghostbusters on a final swansong case, which also happens to be their bleakest and most insurmountable yet. Sure, these new kids on the block could play a pivotal role, but if someone other than Venkman, Stantz or Spengler strikes the final blow on GB III€™s ghoulie, wouldn€™t you, as a returning fan, feel somewhat cheated?

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.