3. Dont Make It a CGI Snoozefest
Technology is at a point now in which the majority of all effects are done on a computer and while Im not saying that every special effect in Ghostbusters III must be lovingly created and performed in real time, Im just saying that
moderation is the key. Itd be so easy to go full blown Transformers with a movie like Ghostbusters; to forgo story in favour of inane CGI set-piece after CGI set-piece. Thats what puts the kids in the seats; thats what sells lunchboxes and action figures; thats what pre-markets a video game tie-in (see: Star Wars Episode 1 Racer) plus its much easier than actually sitting down and writing a decent script. However, is that what we really want? Weve got to look at the fact that the original creators Ackroyd, Ramis and Reitman are all supposedly on board for Ghostbusters III and basically hope that theyll choose the old school approach as opposed to turning the property into a shiny, clean, emotionless CGI golem. For their track record they definitely deserve the benefit of the doubt, but am I the only one slightly worried?