Ghostbusters Trailer Breakdown: 25 Things You Need To See

7. The Varieties Of Ghosts

Apart from the vomiting woman at the start and a brief appearance from Slimer, we don't get much up-close-and-personal time with any ghosts in this trailer, although there is some cool stuff in the background. This tall, distorted figure is certainly cool, although what I want to focus on here is how there's a clear distinction between ghosts, with some spirits green and others blue, suggesting two totally separate types of beasts. Are the blue ghosts unnaturally resurrected beings? Are we in the middle of a ghost war? We can only hope. There is of course another intriguing variety, although we'll get to that in a little bit.
Also, does any one else really want to get a Papa Johns and watch Taxi Driver Blu-Ray on a Sony TV? What is it with this studio and obscene product placement?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.