Godzilla First Teaser Trailer: 6 Things We Learned

2. The Military Are Going All Out To Take Him Down

It looks as though the military try absolutely everything in their power to stop Godzilla and/or the other monsters in the movie. There is evidence of a military presence in San Francisco (with military jeeps burned out etc), which obviously did nothing to stop the monster(s), and they resort to sending in a halo jump squad - some of which are said to be without "hands-on experience", emphasising their desperation. However, most prominently in terms of their desperate tactics, a nuclear warhead is seen in the trailer, suggesting a last resort tactic after everything else available to them in their arsenal had failed. This will likely be the film's MacGuffin, the game changer, the deciding factor, the main plot device. It will either bring the monstrous rampage to an end or fail in its task to do so, indicating that mankind is doomed. Either way, it shows the lengths to which the military are prepared to go to end the destruction, which emphasises just how much destruction there must actually be.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.