Godzilla: King Of The Monsters IMAX Review - 7 Ups & 4 Downs

1. The Effects Are Incredible And It Looks Beautiful

Godzilla King Of The Monsters Ghidorah

Let's be honest right out of the gate: Godzilla: KIng Of The Monsters would not have worked if it didn't have some of the most gifted effects wizards in Hollywood and in the broader field working on it. Luckily, that's clearly who was behind it, because the sequel is stunning to look at.

There are scenes throughout - particularly the battle scenes - that look like they could be (and will be) PC backgrounds. That's a throw-away compliment, but it definitely reflects the cinematography's quality and the genius in the framing. The use of colour is ridiculously good too - particularly for a film that spends so much time in the dark - and it's almost as if colour is a character in its own respect.

And on top of all of that are the visual effects, which were always going to be doing some heavy lifting. Everything from the monsters down to the background work is done in such a way that you can almost feel the technology available being pushed to its utter limit. It's incredible what they've achieved and even when some of the substance and the directing choices fall down, if you sit back and drink it all in, it's the kind of film experience that makes you remember exactly why you love blockbusters.

Again, see it in IMAX, the crystal-clear images even in 3D are astonishing and it's an experience geared so much towards intensity and atmospheric immersion that you deserve to hear and see it the best way possible.

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