Godzilla Review: 10 Reasons It Missed The Mark

1. It's Just Not Enough Fun

Solemn. That's probably the best word to use to describe this movie. And although a bit of broodiness can often go a long way, given the right picture, Godzilla isn't perhaps the best movie to fall into this sort of mood; after all, a motion picture about a huge lizard knocking down skyscrapers and battling other equally gigantic monsters should convey a sense of fun... it should have you reeling with excitement, giddy to see what happens next. Sadly, Godzilla never really taps into those emotions; it's too sincere, too desperate to be taken serious for its own good. So what it could have used, really, is an added dosage of the fun factor; though parts of it are certainly enjoyable, coming out of the theatre it's all mostly forgotten. Granted, it's terrible, but even the awful 1998 version of Godzilla managed to have a bit of fun with the premise (though one could certainly argue it had too much fun). Finding such a balance in a movie of this nature is hard, of course, but Pacific Rim - which clings to any equally ridiculous plot - managed to create a sense of fun. With Edwards' flick, they fun times are simply few and far between. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.