Godzilla Vs. Kong: 10 Fixes That Would've Improved It

3. Save Hollow Earth For The Next Movie

Godzilla vs Kong
Warner Bros.

Firstly, the Hollow Earth subplot should've been removed.

A large part of Godzilla Vs. Kong's plot is Kong and some of the human characters journeying in to the Hollow Earth, a subterranean world beneath the surface, which is where Kong's species comes from.

The Hollow Earth does look fantastic and is a triumph of visual effects and production design, but it should've been saved for a later instalment.

Not only does this sudden insertion of this whole new world make the film feel very cluttered, but it seems like something out of a completely different story. While the film is called Godzilla Vs. Kong, instead a large segment of the film focuses on a human exploration mission, which means that the titular rivalry is basically forgotten for much of the film.

Had all this been taken out, it wouldn't have even changed the film's final act much. After all, the only real effect this expedition has on the over-arching story is that Maia Simmons uses the Hollow Earth's energy to help power the Mecha-Godzilla, which further shows that this location was not necessary for this movie.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.