Golden Globes 2013: 10 Things They Got Wrong

1. Les Misérables Leads The Pack

Again proving how the Golden Globes are not at all a precursor to the Oscars, Les Miserables was the big winner of the night, with a whopping three wins, while Argo and Django Unchained - both considered to have little chance of a Best Picture Oscar now - trailed with two. The biggest surprise was the poor showing of Steven Spielberg's Lincoln, which is now considered to be the front-runner for the Academy Award for Best Picture, yet scooped only a single award, which predictably enough was for Daniel Day-Lewis' mind-blowing performance in the title role. It's not surprising that the HPFA awarded a more flowery, populist film with their gong, as they usually do - for instance, Avatar beat The Hurt Locker three years ago, but the opposite occurred at the Oscars - but it just feels a bit uninspired and ridiculous, given that this year had such a high number of critically acclaimed films that were also massive commercial successes. What did you make of the Golden Globes last night? And how do you think they stack up against the Oscars? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]