Gone Girl Review: 10 Reasons It's Awesome

8. It's A Satire Of News Media & Marriage

Gone Girl is, as already mentioned, an uproariously funny film, and much of that humour is derived from the satirical context almost the entire thriller narrative is awash in. First and foremost, the movie is a satire of the contemporary notion of marriage, how the perceived success or failure of a marriage can be determined by how well a husband and wife keep up appearances rather than by how happy they actually are. Fincher follows this through to a challenging and sledgehammer-subtle conclusion, but there's little point denying that he hits the nail on the head. Furthermore, the Conservative, sensationalist news media of America is wrly torn to shreds, with Missi Pyle superbly playing a dimwitted news anchor who hangs Nick out to dry before he's had his day in court. With various psychologists freely painting Nick as a sociopath and journalists scrutinising his every word and facial tick, Fincher and Flynn manage to make a serious point about the world at large, while making fun of it in a sickly amusing way. How well these elements will play with audiences at large remains to be seen, though it manages to be smart and accessible all at once, so it's easy to see it going down well.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.