Groundhog Day: 7 Pressing Questions You Probably Missed

2. How Exactly Did Phil Get WWF Tickets In A Single Day?

WWF Groundhog Day

All-in-all this is the most testing of all the questions aimed at Groundhog Day, and it focuses on the tiniest detail during the feel-good final day sequence when Phil finds himself. How exactly is it that Phil manages to get his hands on two WWF tickets for Michael Shannon and his brand new wife? It's not like he could get to a box office to pick them up, given the whole trapped in a perpetual loop thing, and the last time I checked the WWF schedule of around the time, I didn't see a major event in Punxsutawney... The Answer Well, either he had some serious contacts, who were able to bring the tickets to him from outside of Punxsutawney, since he couldnt actually leave (though that would pretty much compromise the whole can't leave situation), or someone in Punxsutawney already had the tickets and he borrowed or bought them for the young married couple, which quite frankly is far too non-magical for my liking. What feels slightly more appropriate to the darker tone of the film is that Phil spent some of his time in the loop learning how to be an expert forger, and simply duped the couple into believing his fake tickets were authentic to give them a thrill. It's still a selfless act after all, and Phil was never to know that his perpetual day would come to an end, leaving his beneficiaries without their tickets.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.