Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Marvel Cameos We Need To Happen (And How)

7. Iron Man

Now, we know what you€™re thinking. Tony Stark? In Guardians Of The Galaxy?! The world€™s just not that good to us. And€ you€™d probably be right. As far as we know, Robert Downey Jnr. is contracted for the next Avengers movie, and the one after that€ and that€™s it. But RDJ doesn€™t have to be on screen here. After all, Iron Man is a CGI creation, and a blink-and-you€™ll-miss-him appearance wouldn€™t even need him to remove his helmet. Technically, Iron Man has been a member of the Guardians, so it€™s not such a stretch that they might choose to have him appear, if only briefly. One way of doing it could be to have a small flashback see Star-Lord€™s ship nearly hit old Shellhead as he €˜fell€™ down towards the wormhole in space after nuking the Chitauri€™s fleet at the end of The Avengers. Another possibility could see one of Stark's armoured suits being adversely affected by the events of the Guardians Of The Galaxy movie (of which, more later). However they might do it, it€™s one of the few shout-outs that would have the whole audience cheering, not just the few dozen comics fans in attendance. It's also possible that it might heavily disappoint people if Iron Man was teased but Tony Stark never made an appearance, though... hence his low showing on this list.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.