Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Marvel Cameos We Need To Happen (And How)

5. Captain Marvel

The Marvel Universe€™s most famous cosmic hero, largely because he was killed in the 1980s and never brought back to life (well, except that one time, but let€™s not go into that), it€™d be a lovely nod of the head to classic Marvel stories if the Kree Empire€™s favourite son Mar-Vell made an appearance in Guardians Of The Galaxy. He could be visiting Xandar when the Guardians are locked up by the Nova Corps and be seen locked in talks with Nova head honchos Rhomann Dey or Irani Rael. In fact, there€™s any one of a dozen ways in which director James Gunn could insert a nod and a wink to the good Captain in this film. The fact is that he€™s the galaxy€™s greatest dead hero, so a mention of Mar-Vell would be quite likely at some point, given the mission the Guardians decide to undertake. He€™s an inspiration to billions. It€™s like Sheldon namechecking his hero Stephen Hawking in The Big Bang Theory. It€™s a no-brainer, especially given the name of the character, adopted from when humans misheard his Kree name. Captain MARVEL. It's got a nice ring to it.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.