Guardians Of The Galaxy: 6 Ways It Could Link In With Other Movies

2. Iron Man

Anyone familiar with Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy comic books will know that the line-up of the team in this film is more reminiscent of the recent one, formed in 2008, as opposed to the classic 1969 version. And anyone who knows that will also know that a certain Tony Stark also joined the team for a while in 2008. The idea of a space cameo for Tony Stark - which could potentially see him being recruited (or at least being initiated as an honorary member) by the titular band of misfits - is an exciting and intriguing one and one that would surely increase the already enormous attention on this ambitious movie. After Tony's brief venture in to space in the Avengers movie - and, with it, the knowledge that there are alien threats out there, the next step for his armours must surely be to enable him to survive in space whilst wearing them. Perhaps his testing of these new armours could see his first meeting with Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot and... yes.... Rocket Raccoon - and what a meeting that would be.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.