Guardians Of The Galaxy: Predicting The Order Of The 5 Members' Popularity

Following the release of the first full trailer a couple of days ago, the excitement for this August's Marvel cinematic universe offering - Guardians of the Galaxy - has reached a new peak. Frankly, it looks absolutely fantastic and a lot of (though not all of) the previous fears about the movie were allayed by the impressive aesthetic style and CGI, the humour and the depictions of the characters. As an audience, we were able to get to grips with, and get a feel for, all five core members of the titular team, both in terms of their personalities and capabilities in battle, and it will be very interesting to see how they come across in the finished movie. However, so far, thanks to viewing the trailer ourselves and seeing the feedback from other people, it's fair to make a decent assumption about which characters are going to be particularly popular and which aren't (although I don't think it'll come as a surprise to anyone regarding who we feel is going to be the most popular character!). On that note, starting with the least popular, we're going to hazard a guess at the order of popularity (amongst the viewing public) within the ranks of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Here are those predictions...

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.