Guardians Of The Galaxy Spoilers: 10 Ways It Sets Up Future Marvel Films

6. The Kree/Skrull War

The first big crossover event in the Marvel Universe was one that involved the fate of not just our planet but also two warring alien races - namely, the noble Kree and the far-less-noble Skrulls. Word on the street is that the Chitauri in Avengers were originally meant to be the shape-shifting Skrulls, who have been a regular adversary for the Fantastic Four and are thus tied up in the rights to that property, which currently belong with 20th Century Fox. Thus Marvel couldn't use them, hence using the lesser known (and far less fun) Chitauri in their place. The Kree, however, are totally fair game, and they're all over Guardians Of The Galaxy like a pox. A space pox. With blue skin. The Kree's whole deal is that they're the most enlightened species in the galaxy: technologically, socially, scientifically, they're light years ahead of - and away from - the rest of us. They still can't help but enjoy a good war every once in a while, however, often sparked due to their eons-long rivalry with the Skrulls or from the various splinter factions within their society who are less happy with the way things have been going. That's the case with Ronan The Accuser, the main bad guy in Guardians, the Kree equivalent of a religious extremist. We don't see many other members of his race through the film but they're mentioned a whole bunch, which makes us think Marvel could be teasing one of two things: a future Avengers film centering on the Kree/Skrull War, either hoping they'll get the rights to the latter at some point or else subbing in the Chitauri again. Otherwise, they might be hinting towards a solo movie for the Kree's greatest warrior, Captain Marvel. Whose Kree name is Mar-Vell. Hopefully they'll change that.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at